Friday, June 22, 2007

Massive UFO Over Guernsey

Today, Sky news aired a report of what they're calling the 'largest UFOs ever seen'. Crew and passengers of a Channel Islands saw two cigar-shaped UFOs near Guernsey which appeared to be hovering at around 2,000 ft. Remember, this is the second major sighting in this area in under 2 months, with the last one being April 25th.

This is a HUGE story. Sky has gone so far as to say 'Humans, it seems, are not alone'. Of course, they balanced this with a disappointingly sensationalised image of these green creatures. However, the important thing is that they actually reported the sighting in a full-length news story! Follow this link to the text story.

Enjoy the text article and video of former MOD UFO Project Nick Pope... I'm off to search for the video!

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